Wednesday 5 March 2008

I thought I felt something!

Ann has tagged me!!!! And now I have to tell you all about myself - so quick - leave now whilst you've got the chance!!!

Question 1. What were you doing 10 years ago?

I am struggling to remember but I think this was the year that Andy and I went on holiday to Majorca where we met a couple who were also from Torquay. We hit it off immediately and I'm pleased to say we are still the very best of friends!

Question 2. What were you doing a year ago?

Unfortunately this is a bit easier to remember. We were devastated by the sudden death of Andy's dad through cancer, he was diagnosed with it at xmas and died at the end of February, a truly awful time. However, I did go to the NEC and met some lovely new friends from CSF and also saw some old familiar faces too (well not that old!!) It was a long day as the coach picked me up at 5.30am and I didn't get home until about 9.30pm. However, it was one of my friend's birthday (yes the ones we met in Majorca) so I rushed down town and spent the rest of the night with Andy and my mates and didn't get home until about 3.00am - I was very very tired!!!!

Question 3. Name 5 favourite snacks

Only 5!!!! Well first of all i love love love Walkers Chicken flavoured crisps. Then it would be pineapple, followed by Saint Agur cheese, egg mayonaise sandwiches and those lovely skinny chipsticks - cor I could just eat them right now!

Question 4. Name 5 things you would do if you were a millionaire

Treat all my friends and family.
Go on a very long holiday.
Donate money to some of my favourite charities.
Buy a new home in a pretty little village somewhere.
Get all the craft stuff I could ever possibly want!

Question 5. Name 5 things you like doing

Meeting up with friends.
Eating cheese and drinking cider!

Question 6. Name 5 things you will never wear again

A perm.
Black nail varnish.

Question 7. Name 5 favourite things

Andy - aka Angelbud (he will kill me if he reads this!)
My music collection & getting down to my favourite vibes
Chilling out on a hot summer's day drinking cider and laughing with my friends
Pebbles (my gorgeous puddy tat)
Being on holiday in a totally relaxed state with not a care in the world


So, I have to tag 5 friends, I guess that would be:


I look forward to reading all about you :)


Ann said...

Thanks for sharing Karen - how on earth did I miss out the jumpsuits, culottes & perm!!!! LOL!!! ^_^ XX

Shazza said...

Great answers Karen, I love your 5 favourite things. As for the culottes and perms, I remember all that only too well. Thanks for tagging me hun, if you check my blog, I was tagged yesterday i think and you can read all about me there.

Tonya Klar said...

Fun stuff to learn! Can't wait to get to know you better as a stampin' sister!